Is Saved to Serve Prophesy Again a 501c3 Ministry

Mischa Safdie' Ministries -- Yuma, Arizona Mischa Safdie' Ministries -- Yuma, Arizona

Our Ministry, Vision & Purpose Our Ministry, Vision & Purpose



Mischa Safdie Ministries is classified every bit a legal 508c1a Religious Church/Ministry with a valid registered IRS EIN number and regarded as a Non-Profit, Tax Exempt Organization.  We are Non incorporated by the State and we legally adhere to all applicative tax laws every bit individuals simply can as well still legally operate in a revenue enhancement exempt status as a church or ministry.  We are thereby exempt from IRC (Internal Revenue Code) 501 (c) (3).  Therefore, we are not what is chosen a "State run" church building or ministry building which basically ways we are gratuitous from potential Federal Government mandates which can be issued past the U.S. Federal Government to many churches.  This tin be and is now being done specifically through diction in IRS tax codes that can potentially be used confronting 501c3 tax exempt non-turn a profit church corporations for the purpose of revoking their tax exempt status if they exercise non suit to dictated government mandates slipped in through the IRS tax codes to infringe upon liberty of spoken language and forced compromising of biblical Christian practice and preaching.  Ane of the corking concerns correct at present is in the area of freedom of speech, bug such equally forced recognition of gay ministers in our churches and controversial issues of same sex marriage, speaking out freely on voting issues, candidates, government officials and then forth.   Under the standard 501c3 IRC, all churches holding such status are at risk.  Most do it, however, and then they tin can purchase revenue enhancement free property under the proper noun of their church or ministry.  Our main purpose in Non becoming a 501c3 non profit ministerial corporation but instead, with prayer, electing to become a 508c1a non-profit ministerial and taxation exempt organization is and then that we can do our Christian faith and minister to others unhindered;every bit freely as possible without regime interference through tax codes using the IRS to do and then.  We are able to teach and proclaim biblical principles, teachings and lifestyles without fearfulness of authorities retribution or brake using tax codes every bit a "backdoor threat" to control what churches/ministries can and cannot preach or teach nether threat of removing their revenue enhancement exempt status.  Therefore, we are not confined and restricted to "political correctness" regarding what we publicly preach every bit a ministry and do not have to compromise our biblical behavior and expression nether such threat every bit all 501c3 (State run) churches will increasingly experience.  Unlike the increasing government intrusion of all 501c3 churches, we are as free as possible (according to the current Constitution) from government interference as to what nosotros preach, and we are legally able to operate freely as a church and ministry under constitutional law, doing so without the threat many churches are increasingly going through by having their tax exempt condition pulled if they preach annihilation the government does not approve of.  Through this all, by electing to operate under 508c1a status, our ministry is still legally tax exempt.  All contributions to this ministry therefore are tax deductible.


Mischa Safdie' Ministries is an independent, Holy Spirit filled evangelistic ministry of Christian faith.  We are a Pentecostal ministry building.  Although Mischa Safdie' is currently ordained by the Independent Assemblies of God International, as a ministry building we are not-denominational and really are best described every bit "renewed Christians" dedicated to the uncompromising ministry of the full Gospel of Jesus Christ, which very much includes and actually is the bulletin of the cross; the sanctification and atonement value of the cross to the Christian; to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to walking with Him without compromise and the void of pressures beingness exerted upon the Church building today by regime and special interest groups to be "politically correct".

We preach and minister the Gospel as it is and do not compromise the message and meaning of Holy Scripture in the Bible. We preach and teach the "message of the cantankerous" of Jesus considering the two are by necessity inter-related. Information technology is through the cross experience of Jesus Christ that nosotros obtain salvation, atonement, victory and sanctification. It is through and because of the cross of Jesus that we can exist indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Annihilation apart from realizing this and having a revelation of it, every bit well as walking in it, becomes nothing but a work of the mankind in an effort to please God.  There is no other style but through the cross of Jesus Christ.

Nosotros believe in the functioning of New Testament church order and structure pertaining to the 5-fold ministries given every bit a gift to the Church; Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers.  We also  believe in the design and part of the original New Testament Church as laid out in the Bible. The Bible, all the same, is our guide to this and not the precepts of man.

Nosotros are officially affiliated with the Contained Assemblies of God International (IAOGI) and by option we associate with World Evangelism Fellowship, and its affiliated ministers and churches, as well as other ministries of kindred spirit.

While we may embrace "scripturally balanced" elements and teachings of other Christian ministries and walk in harmony with them, we do non believe in compromising the Word of God. Nosotros believe the Word stands for itself and does non need to exist rewritten, added to, subtracted from, changed or nullified as some and so-chosen "churches" sadly practice today in guild to gain membership. We believe in the infallibility of the Holy Bible.. We are unique in ourselves and strive to walk in a spiritually responsible, scripturally accurate and balanced manner. Our primary purpose is to fulfill "The Great Committee" that Jesus spoke of when he commanded that we "go out into the world and preach the Gospel, make disciples of the nations, forth with attesting signs and wonders. In society to exercise that effectively we believe one must empathize, believe, practice and teach the message of the cross of Christ. This is not a new message. In fact, all the bully Apostles and many others through the centuries had a cognition of this message and taught it. However, in these nowadays times information technology is sad to say that most churches, while acknowledging the importance of the cross experience of Christ for salvation purposes, have little or no true understanding and revelation of Christ's apologetic, sanctifying and redemptive power over such things as the sin nature, the healing of the body and then much more through His accomplishment of going to the cross for humanity. This bulletin needs to be preached.

It is important to mention that Apostle Safdie' and his family nourish a dwelling church when not ministering elsewhere, independent of his own ministry building, where he is recognized as a operation minister. He and his family believe in the responsibilities, checks and balances, as well as benefits of maintaining fellowship with other ministers who practice not compromise the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not charge money or accept official offerings to speak in any of the churches nosotros visit as guest speakers in the Southern California area. God has provided for us and has spoken to Apostle Safdie' that we are not to do it. We do, nonetheless, take love offerings but never inquire for them and do not expect them. The merely fourth dimension we would request whatever funds would be to comprehend travel and hotel expenses if asked to travel out of our local surface area to speak. We do accept donations to this ministry from anyone willing to do so simply do not specifically solicit for donations either past postal service or telephone.

Our Mission

The mission of Mischa Safdie' Ministries is quite just to fulfill the "Peachy Committee", as instructed by Jesus Himself in Matthew 28:nineteen-twenty:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations. baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all that I commanded yous; and lo, I am with you lot ever, even to the end of the historic period."

Our Values

Our values are to walk in honesty and integrity and to alive out a truthful Christian life void of hypocrisy. Someone once said, "A Christian is what you are when no one is looking." This is likewise our belief. To walk in true Godly dearest, have integrity, be doctrinally balanced and provide sound biblical teaching that does not issue in "religiousness" but rather in a living and personal relationship with Jesus Christ is actually the primal value of this ministry.

Our Doctrine

Simply speaking, Mischa Safdie' Ministries is a Christian ministry that strives for scriptural residue in all that we do. In Romans 12:4-5 the scriptures tell united states that the church building, as the corporate Body of Christ, not unlike a human body, has many members and withal all do not have the same role. We believe that this scripture clearly defines as well how a truly balanced church building & ministry should function. While our ministry may emphasize a detail gifting or ministry by the Holy Spirit, nosotros do not function in one area at the exclusion of others but rather, nosotros recognize and accept the multifariousness expressed in the Body of Christ every bit a whole as long every bit we can run across that such other ministries function accurately according to Holy Scripture. Rather than rejecting one part of the corporate body because information technology does non role the same as mayhap our ministry building or another part of the same body might, we need to be inclusive and respectful of each body part, understanding that although it may be somewhat different it still makes for the proper and vital functioning of the overall Body of Christ. However, we do believe that for diverse ministries to be true and effective they must line upwards with the Give-and-take of God. For this reason, while Mischa Safdie' Ministries was founded on Pentecostal doctrine, we carefully embrace"scripturally sound" ministries of other Christian movements, if, in fact, they really are scripturally sound and doctrinally correct. In short, as mentioned before in these writings, we are "renewed Christians" dedicated to an uncompromising teaching, preaching and lifestyle as given by God through the Holy Bible. In 1 Corinthians 12:20-21 the scriptures read, " Just now there are many members, merely one body. And the middle cannot say to the mitt, I have no demand of thee: or again the head to the feet, I accept no need of y'all." As Christians we believe that the above scriptures need to exist remembered and it should exist understood that not every ministry building in the Body of Christ has the same function. All the same, it may still be a valid part of the corporate body of Christ and therefore should not be castigated or rejected every bit long as the teachings are scriptural. Not all Christian ministries will emphasize the same things. Nosotros believe, however, in that location should be balance in all churches and ministries regarding the essentials and fundamentals of sound Christian doctrine with the Word of God, while understanding that each group may, in fact, have a different specialized ministry and part from i some other. Nevertheless we are all important members of the aforementioned Body. This agreement is an important office of the doctrinal approach to our own ministry and credence of the diversity that comes from other ministries within the Body of Christ today. With that position stated, nonetheless, we are quick to research and report all things, as the scriptures instruct, and if they in any way do not measure up to the Word of God, sound doctrine or contradict it, then information technology is rejected.

Our Vision

Our vision is to proclaim the cantankerous of Jesus Christ and in so doing as well be Christ's Ambassadors here in the globe. Yet, we are not of the "Kingdom Now" groups.  We understand that shortly the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that one day will exist manifest in the physical realm upon the return of Jesus Christ to this earth. In the Lord's prayer, Jesus says, "Thy Kingdom come, thy volition be donein earth as it is in sky." To see the render of Jesus to world and to live with Him in His presence equally He reigns over His Kingdom should be the joy and expectation of every Christian. While we are a role of that Holy Kingdom, once more, we are not "dominionists". Even so, at the aforementioned time, we believe that in order to be effective equally Christ'south Body in this life, nosotros must be able to impart the spiritual Kingdom of God and the essence of Jesus Christ the King into the earth today. Anything brusque of that would be ineffectiveness every bit Christians. We are here on this earth to bring not simply a revelation but "the reality" of a walk with Jesus Christ into the globe today. While often we encounter many in the modern Church "talk" about these things, we believe that as "living epistles of Christ" our actions need to back upward the words we speak from the pulpit of our churches. In that location can sometimes be confusion in definition between the dominionist or "Kingdom At present" disciple and what he or she may correspond as opposed to those who correctly and just desire to appropriate and impart the spiritual Kingdom of God that will one 24-hour interval become a physical Kingdom in earth as well every bit in manner of its existence in heaven. Too many that practice dominionism have seemed to forget that there cannot exist a truthful Kingdom without the King of Kings and Lord of Lords beingness truly in the centre of it with all our admiration and focus on Him. Consequently, they become their focus off of Christ and onto people oft in leadership positions instead. We do not create and proclaim ourown kingdom, as some do, with the thought that Christ will return to alive and reign in it someday. We do non make up one's mind "when" Christ will return based on what we practice or do not do. But we exercise believe we are to represent, participate and be a part of His Kingdom while hither on this globe. Therefore we believe in Kingdom living which really only exemplifies, mirrors and reflects the manner in which Christ the King says we are to live, testify and represent ourselves and Him while on this earth. We believe that the Lord expects the Church and Christians to be agile in this life and not identify everything in the afterlife, or else we serve no purpose while on this earth. The Bible says that we are to be "Ambassador'due south of Christ" while we are living on earth and an Ambassador always represents both the Kingdom and the interests of the Rex from where he or she is from. Therefore, nosotros must actively be representing Jesus Christ's interests on this earth while we are living here.

Some believe we are to essentially exercise nix, be nothing and accept zilch in this life and they make the mistake of placing their purpose only in the eternal or afterlife. While we also very much believe in the heavenly rewards of eternal life with Christ after death or upon His return, we stress that nosotros should be agile in serving the Lord diligently and responsibly equally witnesses here on earth while in this life until either He returns or we meet the Lord in eternity. Jesus said, "My Kingdom is in your midst (or within, co-ordinate to some translations of the bible)." Nosotros must therefore live that mode while here on earth. However, we must also always think that there cannot be a truthful Kingdom of God on earth or anywhere else without Jesus Christ as King of King and Lord or Lords.

In addition, our vision is one of personal "human relationship" with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul's center cry was, "Oh that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection!" In

Matthew, Chapter 7 Jesus explains that on the 24-hour interval we pass from this world, many will appear before Him and say essentially, "Lord, Lord..did we non prophesy in Your name, and in Your proper name cast out demons and in Your name perform many miracles?" "And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; Depart from Me, yous who do lawlessness." You see, what so many both outside and fifty-fifty inside the Church building today do not seem to understand is that it is not all almost "religion", its non all about what "yous" can do for God, but information technology is virtually having a living and personal relationship with Jesus Christ...knowing Him and not just knowing "about" Him. He but wants to know you and wants you to know Him. The Bible says that we are non saved by our own works simply by our faith in His grace and the provision of what Jesus accomplished for us through His death and resurrection on the cantankerous at Calvary.

If yous are sick and tired of "dead religion" and desire a true, living and personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and then know the two following things. First, having such a relationship with the Lord is possible, very real, inside your grasp and can happen for yous and your loved ones. 2nd, know that Mischa Safdie' Ministries is committed to that goal of helping y'all to "know Him" and walk with Him.

Mischa Safdie' Ministries envisions Holy Spirit filled, radical and uncompromising Christian men, women and children of all ethnicities and cultures, on fire for Jesus Christ. When we use the term "radical" we are non talking almost physical violence but instead nosotros are stating that nosotros refuse to compromise the Discussion of God in place of the growing pressures to compromise our faith in order to conform to the "political correctness" of this historic period and society nosotros are living in today. Jesus asked the question that when He returned, would He detect "faith" in the earth? Literally, He was referring to "The Faith"....the true Christian faith. And that is the real question and real battle we are fighting today...."to debate earnestly for the religion which was once for all delivered unto the saints". (Jude iii) Nosotros respect the rights of all people to make their own choices as to how they live because God has given each person his or her own free volition to do so. Only at the aforementioned time, He has also provided directives to the man race through His written Discussion, the Holy Bible. Equally Christians, God has called us every bit His ambassadors to witness, share and be representatives of His volition for mankind and of salvation through Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. As the "radical" type of Christians I am referring to, we both profess and live an uncompromising Godly lifestyle. That is our goal.  In this mean solar day and age that type of comport defines the term "radical".

Our Purpose

The purpose of Mischa Safdie' Ministries is to worship, love, honor and serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to bring as well as impart a revelation of Him to others. Many professed Christians know Jesus as their Savior but non as their Lord. Certainly Jesus is our Savior and the initial conservancy feel is so wonderful because with it nosotros enter into eternal life with Christ and heaven becomes our home. But do we stop with the initial salvation feel or are we "saved" for a purpose? The Bible says that in one case saved, nosotros are to become Christ's Ambassadors in this globe, meaning that we are to represent His Kingdom and exist the light of Christ in this lost world. For that to happen, Jesus must truly be "Lord" over our lives. He must sit down on the thrones of our hearts...not ourselves. We must be willing to permit Him brand the decisions pertaining to our lives. Some only call upon Jesus as a savior from trouble and in a time of need. Certainly Jesus is in that location for those things. But He must be allowed also to be Rex of Kings and Lord of Lords in our own lives. Our purpose and desire is to know Him as both Lord and Savior. Our purpose is to become, as the Bible says, "Living epistles of Christ read and known past all men." We desire to go a "Living Word" and testimony of Jesus Christ in the world today.


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